Announcing Ribir v0.2.0 | Overlay support and using Ribir without “DSL”

2 min readMar 28, 2024


We’re excited to announce the completion of Ribir v0.2.0’s development and the release of its first beta version. This release introduces two significant features: overlay support and the ability to use Ribir without “DSL”.

Overlay Support

This feature simplifies the process of creating overlay widgets. It streamlines the addition of any widget to an overlay and provides a more user-friendly API for managing overlays.

You can use any widget to create an overlay, which will then appear on top of the current screen.

use ribir::prelude::*;

fn main() {
let overlay = Overlay::new(fn_widget! {
@Text {
h_align: HAlign::Center,
v_align: VAlign::Center,
text: "Hello"

let w = fn_widget! {
on_tap: move |e|,
@{ Label::new("Click to show overlay") }


Refer to its APIs to learn about all the features it offers.

Ribir without “DSL”

While macros aren’t a necessary part of using Ribir, our initial version didn’t provide documentation or user-friendly APIs for building the UI without them. This release addresses that issue by providing a more straightforward API for building widgets without macros.

With macros:

use ribir::prelude::*;

fn main() {
let counter = fn_widget! {
let cnt = Stateful::new(0);
@Row {
@FilledButton {
on_tap: move |_| *$cnt.write() += 1,
@{ Label::new("Inc") }
@H1 { text: pipe!($cnt.to_string()) }

Without macros:

use ribir::prelude::*;

fn main() {
let counter = |ctx: &BuildCtx| {
let cnt = Stateful::new(0);
let c_cnt = cnt.clone_writer();
let inc_btn = FilledButton::declarer()
.on_tap(move |_| *c_cnt.write() += 1)
.with_child(Label::new("Inc"), ctx);

let counter = H1::declarer()

.with_child(inc_btn, ctx)
.with_child(counter, ctx)


In this version, we’ve refined the APIs and updated the guide to demonstrate how to use Ribir without the “DSL” feature.

Visit the Ribir page for more details.

Originally published at on March 28, 2024.

